
Power PDF is built for business users. Learning is fast since it works like Office desktop products. Since it meets simple to complex needs and provides strong security, IT teams can standardize on a single tool. And it’s built on OCR that’s unmatched in the industry.

Kofax Power PDF solutions provide everything you need to help you create, covert, edit share and e-sign PDF files. Our online PDF editor allows you to work seamlessly across both Windows and Mac platforms.

Power PDF editor is the right solution for your needs


Create or convert to PDF from almost any file type


Deliver the most accurate versions of your documents


Work across devices and platforms and easily share documents in the cloud


Take security precautions with advanced features such as redaction


Deploy across the enterprise, simplifying the licensing process

Why Power PDF

Licensing : Based on recent trends, many software developers have been putting expensive licensing restrictions on their high-quality software. Indeed, it’s become an ever-larger expense to deal with inflexible arrangements that still limit your team members from being able to use the software they need to work effectively. Therefore, Kofax designed a solution that scales to the size of your business.

Collaboration : Kofax Power PDF is a powerful Acrobat alternative that provides many high-powered functions that help your team. Convert documents from Microsoft Office formats to PDF and back again. Secure your documents with powerful security features that integrate into your network allowing access to the people you want to have it. You can intelligently search through PDF documents as quickly as Word files. One of the areas where Power PDF shines is the high degree of collaboration.
Power PDF, multiple people can work on the same document. This feature is especially helpful when your team is working on a large document, especially if it involves various departments or specialists. Save time and money through transparent, productive collaboration.

Security : No matter what your business does, you have documents that you want to ensure remain viewable only by the right individuals. Rather than take the risk of letting other people access them when they shouldn’t, you must use a program that offers the highest level of security possible. However, you can’t put security ahead of the necessary ability to function in the first place, so you need software that combines both ease of use and access for the right people with adequate security against those who shouldn’t have access to your documents.

Kofax Power PDF strikes the perfect balance by offering robust security solutions using various methods. With this alternative to Adobe Acrobat, you can take advantage of Microsoft’s Rights Management Service to ensure that your documents remain secure in all situations. Keep reading below to learn more about Power PDF security features.
